Quadro Resources receives exploration permit for Newfoundland gold projects

Newfoundland. (Reference image by helenheath, Pixabay).

Quadro Resources (TSXV: QRO) announced that it has received a permit to carry out exploration work on its recently optioned Careless Cove and Yellow Fox properties in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

In a press release, Quadro explained that the joint projects are located within and adjacent to New Found Gold’s Queensway gold project, approximately 12 kilometres southwest of the Keats Zone which is the main focus of its ongoing 100,000-metre drill program where results include an intersection of 92.86 g/t Au over 19 metres.

Quadro, on the other hand, plans to carry out an initial orientation program consisting of prospecting and soil sampling on both properties. The campaign will take place over the next quarter and the surveys are planned to follow up on known gold mineralization and to help define targets for follow-up trenching and drill testing. 

According to the Vancouver-based miner, previous work carried out by MEK at Careless Cove uncovered mineralization comprising quartz breccia with disseminated and vein hosted pyrite/arsenopyrite with minor stibnite. At Yellow Fox, MEK’s prospecting resulted in a concentration of highly anomalous gold values with one sample returning an assay of 59.413 g/t Au.

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