Canadian Nuclear Assn. opens registration for 2021 conference

Registration is now open for the Canadian Nuclear Association’s (CAN) conference and trade show which will be held virtually from Sept. 15 to 17, 2021.

This year’s theme is Leading Innovations to Achieve a Net-Zero World. Canada’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 can only be met with innovative advances in clean energy production. CNA2021 explores the leading-edge projects and technologies that are poised to make our nuclear industry and indispensable part of our clean energy future.

This is the premier event for Canada’s nuclear industry. In 2020, the event attracted over 850 attendees from within and outside Canada, including senior executives, public policy experts, engineers, regulators, elected officials, and international delegates.

President and CEO of the CAN John Gorman is enthusiastic about the virtual conference and trade show. “We are excited about this format as it has allowed us to welcome speakers from all around the world, offer a greater variety of sessions and expand our audience reach. Attendees can still expect plenty of opportunity for meeting, networking and collaborating with industry leaders and peers at a low carbon event,” he said.

Click here to register and take advantage of early bird pricing. And keep an eye on the conference website for full program details, coming soon.

Looking to showcase your brand at CNA2021? Click here to view our sponsor and exhibitor package, and contact with any questions.

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