Latium launches Ingenious E-Sense IoT monitor for high voltage cables

Remote monitoring of high voltage cables in finally possible.

Industrial IoT solutions provider Latium Technologies has launched its Ingenious line of IoT technologies, first introducing the ground-breaking E-Sense device. 

The Ingenious E-Sense is a non-invasive IoT sensor that provides mining companies with a better way to monitor networks of high voltage cables for damage or faults. To date, this challenge has been a completely manual process.

E-Sense allows maintenance teams to immediately identify and replace damaged cables, reducing costly downtime and eliminating manual processes.

“The idea for the E-Sense came from being told, ‘It can’t be done’,” said Latium co-founder and president Tony Pecorilli. “Our mission has always been to push the boundaries on what people think is impossible.”

The Ingenious E-Sense integrates directly into Latium Technologies’ industry-leading Job Site Insights suite of applications.

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