ArcelorMittal shares Eureka! award with BioÉnergie AE Côte-Nord

ArcelorMittal Dofasco produces steel in Hamilton, Ont. Credit: ArcelorMittal

ArcelorMittal Mining Canada (unlisted) is the joint winner of the Eureka! Green and Prosperous Quebec Award. The co-winner is BioÉnergie AE Côte-Nord Canada. The award was made by Écotech Québec in the natural resources category.

ArcelorMittal and BioÉnergie have reduced the carbon footprint of the Mont-Wright iron ore miner. They have piloted the use of biofuel (pyrolytic oil) in Arcelor’s pellet plant in Port Cartier, Que.

“The integration into our pellet plant of pyrolytic oil produced in Port-Cartier is a structuring project that unites the North Shore’s two great resources – iron and the forest – and which also allows us to begin creating a regional energy ecosystem together. The entire community benefits,” said Mapi Mobwano, president and CEO of ArcelorMittal Mining Canada.

The biofuel project kicked off last July, and thus far over 1.0 million litres have been consumed. ArcelorMittal says the energy yield exceeds expectations, and plans are being made to convert other parts of the two production lines at the plant.

To produce its biofuel, BioÉnergie uses the wood residues. Ultimately, this renewable biofuel will allow a 23% reduction of the use of heavy oil at the Port-Cartier pellet plant, an annual reduction of 57,600 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, or the removal of 14,000 vehicles from our roads. ArcelorMittal Group has made the commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

Learn more about ArelorMittal’s operations in Quebec and Ontario on the company’s website.

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