SAG mill installation begins at Fortuna’s mine in Côte d’Ivoire 

Installation of the SAG mill at the Séguéla gold mine is underway in Côte d’Ivoire. Credit: Fortuna Silver

Installation of the SAG mill at the Séguéla gold development in Côte d’Ivoire has begun. The target for the first pour is mid-2023. Metso Outotec is supplying the semi-autogenous mill.

Overall, the project is 85% completed (Nov. 30, 2022). The 90-kV power line and substation are complete and energized. Clearing of the first stage of the Antenna pit is complete, and grade control drilling has commenced. Mining activities will start by the end of March.

Construction activities at the mill, in addition to the SAG mill installation, include installation of the steel platform above the carbon-in-leach (CIL) tanks, assembly of conveyors, building of the gold room, overland piping, and mechanical equipment installations (crushing, surge bin, grinding and million areas).

Production over the 8.6-year life of the mine will average 120,000 oz. gold.

As of the end of last November, Fortuna had spent about US$169 million of the budgeted US$173.5 million.

“The project continues on-time and on-budget with the majority of materials and equipment now on site. Focus has now shifted to operational readiness in preparation for the commissioning of the processing plant with first gold pour expected in mid-2023,” said Fortuna COO West Africa David Whittle.

Fortuna has an excellent photo gallery of Séguéla construction on its website at

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