JV Video: Cordoba advances Alacran copper project in Colombia

Cordoba Minerals is aiming to start the Alacran copper mine in Colombia in 2026, president and CEO Sarah Armstrong-Montoya says. Credit: The Northern Miner

Cordoba Minerals (TSXV: CDB; US-OTC: CDB) expects to get environmental approval for its US$420.4-million Alacran copper project in Colombia by December, president and CEO Sarah Armstrong-Montoya says in a new video.

“Colombia has a very stable legal framework,” Armontrong-Montoya said in an interview in Toronto. “It’s one of the reasons we invested there. The regulatory environment is quite good.”

Cordoba plans to complete detailed mine engineering this year for the project it’s developing with China-based partner JCHX Mining Management. In Arizona, Cordoba is spending $14.2 million to earn an 80% share of the Perseverance porphyry copper project in about two years.

The CEO spoke with The Northern Miner’s Western Editor, Henry Lazenby, at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada annual convention this month. Watch the full conversation here.

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