Wesdome expands high-grades at Kiena, studies second mine potential  

Level 33 provides access for near-term drilling with year-long accessibility below the lake. Image courtesy of Wesdome Gold Mines.

Wesdome Gold Mines (TSX: WDO; OTCQX: WDOFF) had a successful 2024 exploration program at the Kiena Gold mine near Val d’Or, Que. Not only has the high-grade mineralization been extended, but there are reasons to consider a second mine at the site. Uncapped assays ran as high as 1,920 over 0.8 metre. 

“This year’s exploration budget for Kiena of over $20 million covered surface and underground expansion, infill and delineation drilling totaling more than 70,000 metres,” said Wesdome president and CEO Anthea Bath. “This robust program has yielded impressive results across various zones at Kiena, underscoring its prospectivity and long-term potential.  

“These latest drill results support both our fill-the-mill and two-mine structure initiatives, where high-grade production from Kiena Deep leverages existing shaft infrastructure, supplemented by near-surface feed transported from the 33-level via the Presqu’île ramp.” 

The first of the underground intersections reported was the Kiena Deep Footwall zone of mineralization at grades above the current resource: 

  • 218.9 g/t gold over 22.1 metre core length, including 988.0 g/t gold over 1.0 metre and 1,920 g/t gold over 0.8 metre; 
  • 49.7 g/t gold over 13.5 metres core length; and 18.1 g/t gold over 1.6 metres. 

Follow-up drilling at the Kiena Deep Extension also returned high grades: 84.3 g/t gold over 5 metres core length. 

Core from the Wish Area zone assayed 26.3 g/t gold over 3.5 metres core length. The hole was aimed at the down-plunge extension. 

The Northwest zone unexpectedly cut high-grade mineralization to the north while targeting the zone at depth. Assays returned 93.0 g/t gold over 2.9 metres core length. 

Three areas of near-surface potential were reported, as well. 

Infill drilling at the Presqu’île zone assayed 61.1 g/t gold over 3.0 metres and 33.0 g/t gold over 2.6 metres core length. 

The Dubuisson zone infill and down-plunge drilling confirmed the continuity of the zone. Three holes returned 9.5 g/t gold over 3.2 metres, 18.1 g/t gold over 5.9 metres, and 9.1 g/t gold over 19.5 metres core length. 

Drilling also improved the understanding of the historical Duchesne zone.  Assays included 24.4 g/t gold over 3.2 metres. 

More information about the various zones that were drilled can be found in the news posted on www.Wesdome.com 

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