Orica unveils second generation wireless blasting

An Orica specialist assembling a WebGen 200 Surface primer ready for encoding.

Orica unveiled its second generation through-the-earth, fully wireless initiating system, WebGen 200, at MINExpo in Las Vegas last week.

WebGen technology provides for groups of in-hole primers to be wirelessly initiated by a firing command that communicates through hundreds of metres of rock, water and air. This completely removes the need to physically connect each primer in and importantly allows people to be removed from harm’s way.

WebGen 200 harnesses digital technology to allow advanced features including digital inventory management, delay adjustments before blasting, an improved user interface and increased quality assurance. Reliability is further improved with the WebGen 200 primers available to endure even greater dynamic pressure.

The hardware, software and the WebGen 200 units come together as a versatile and reliable system that is easily integrated into any operation. WebGen 200 will be available in four product variants and include a wider range of booster weights, opening new segments, applications, and opportunities in both surface and underground mining. The complete product range now includes the WebGen 200 Surface, WebGen 200 Surface Pro, WebGen 200 Underground Pro, and WebGen 200 Dev.

WebGen 200 Surface Pro is specifically designed for extreme blasting conditions, including revolutionary blasting techniques including multi-stratum blasting, mining schedule flexibility and lightning risk reduction. The WebGen 200 Underground Pro is suited to production blasting, while the WebGen 200 Underground Dev has been designed for mechanical assembly and will enable the automation of underground development charging with Avatel.

Avatel, a semi-automated explosives delivery system prototype, is undergoing trials is expected to be commercially ready by the end of 2021.

For more information on the WebGen system visit Orica.com/wireless.

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