Cassiar Gold drills bonanza grades at Cassiar South in BC

The Cassiar project is nestled in the mountains of British Columbia. Credit: Cassiar Gold.

Cassiar Gold (TSXV: GLDC; OTC: CGLCF) has drilled bonanza grades at its flagship Carrier gold property 115 km south of Watson Lake, B.C. The best intersection was 0.4 metre grading 270 g/t gold from Hole 21EB-300.

The hole, drilled at East Bain, also intersected 4.8 metres grading 35.1 g/t gold, including 0.5 metre at 85.4 g/t and the aforementioned 270 g/t gold. The hole is roughly 160 metres away from the historic Bain mine workings. Cassiar Gold says the results confirm the high-grade nature and associated quartz shear vein thickness of the former mine.

Hole 21EB-301 drilled 180 metres from the old workings, also returned high-grade assays. The core tested 12.6 g/t gold over 6.4 metres, including 0.8 metre at 85.4 g/t and 25.7 g/t over 3 metres.

Results are pending for three more holes, two of which were drilled 450 metres east of the Bain mine workings.

Cassiar plans to return to East Bain to drill two additional down-dip holes when the current program is completed. It has already completed over 6,000 metres in 15 holes of the planned 21 holes.

More information about the Cassiar project is posted on

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