MABC launches water-focused mining innovation challenge

Water use is the first MABC Mining Innovation Challenge. Credit: CarrieColePhotography via iStock.

The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) has launched its first Mining Innovation Challenge: Reducing Water Use. All cleantech and technology providers are invited to bring forward their ideas to help reduce water use in operating mines.

The winner will receive $150,00 in prize money and the potential opportunity to pilot their innovation at a B.C. mine.

The challenge is led by the MABC and Foresight Canada, in partnership with the government of British Columbia, Newcrest Mining, Teck Resources, NRCan, PwC, the Bradshaw Research Initiative for Minerals Mining (BRIMM), the Global Mining Guidelines Group, and the Mining Suppliers Association of BC.

Organizations need to declare their participation by Feb. 18, 2022, and final submissions are due on May 12, 2022. The winner will be announced in June. For more information, including the evaluation process, complete timeline and challenge statement, visit the project website.

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