Eurasian Resources subscribes to Prince Charles’ sustainable planet initiative

Prince Charles. (Image by Dan Marsh, Wikimedia Commons).

Eurasian Resources Group announced that it has joined 25 global organizations that have decided to support the ‘Terra Carta’, a document presented by The Prince of Wales at the One Planet Summit on January 11, 2021.

The goal of the Terra Carta is to provide a framework to encourage the move towards a sustainable future rooted in the transformative power of nature and the energy, resources and innovation of the private sector. It outlines 100 actions for businesses so that they start working on a recovery plan that puts nature, people and the planet at the centre of global value creation. 

The goal of the Terra Carta is to provide a framework to encourage the move towards a sustainable future with the help of the private sector

“Our support for the Prince’s urgent appeal forms part of our larger efforts to help ensure a sustainable future,” Benedikt Sobotka, Eurasian Resources CEO, said in a media statement. “This ranges from our commitment to accelerate cross-sector innovation, and help urgently eliminate child labour in mining communities in the DRC.” 

According to Sobotka, his company is willing to explore synergies in order to help achieve the objectives outlined by Prince Charles. 

The executive said that, in a way, it is already doing so by being an active member of the Global Battery Alliance and promoting the development of a ‘battery passport,’ which is expected to become a type of ‘quality seal’ that will reveal the path of certain minerals and metals from mine to vehicle.

“Beyond collecting and verifying important information through an accountable and transparent process, the passport is envisaged to be a valuable resource for the supply chain to collectively act more sustainably,” Sobotka said. 

Ethical production of cobalt and copper are, at present, the main focus of Eurasian Resources. The company owns the Metalkol RTR operation located in the southern Kolwezi region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

Besides this operation, Eurasian is developing the Bamin project in Brazil, which includes the Pedra de Ferro iron ore mine, and it is expanding Kazchrome, which is the world’s largest ferrochrome producer by chrome content and is located in Kazakhstan.

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