Amex discovers near-surface, high-grade zone at Perron

Perron drill core. Credit: Amex Exploration

Drilling at Amex Exploration’s (TSXV: AMX) Perron project in Quebec’s Abitibi greenstone belt, 110 km north of Routn-Noranda, has discovered a new gold zone close to surface, the 210 Gold zone, and extended the high-grade intervals within the High Grade Zone (HGZ). The HGZ, together with the Denise zone, makes up the larger Eastern Gold Zone (EGZ).

The exploration company has released assay results for six drillholes. Drilling targeting the depth extensions of the HGZ hit high-grade mineralization nearby surface in a new structure close to the Normetal fault zone. The interval returned 3.9 metres of 58.25 g/t gold at a vertical depth of 110 metres, 680 metres northeast of the HGZ and appears to be structurally related to a 2016 intercept of 2.8 metres of 2.75 g/t gold, 200 metres eastwards.

Amex has received permits to complete a follow-up program and is now drilling along strike of this new zone.

Most recent results from the HGZ confirm the continuity of this zone and have increased the strike of the high-grade gold areas. Highlights include 6 metres of 11.95 g/t gold; 5.3 metres of 8.71 g/t gold; and 4.5 metres of 33 g/t gold.

“Perron is significantly underexplored as evidenced by our recent discoveries of the 210 Zone,” Jacques Trottier, the company’s executive chair, said in a release. “With 10 drills turning on Perron, including 4 drills dedicated to pure exploration, making new discoveries at this rapid pace is likely and we are very pleased with our exploration targeting methodology.”

The company is also awaiting further assays for holes targeting the HGZ, Denise and Grey Cat zones as well as regional exploration results.

A 300,000-metre drill program is ongoing at Perron. The property includes the Beaupre block, contained by 15 km of the Normetal and Perron faults.

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