Maestro IIoT solutions now integrate into Ventsim Control

Maestro Vigilante AQS air quality monitoring station. Credit: Maestro Digital Mine

Maestro Digital Mine has announced that its ventilation IIoT (industrial internet-of-things) solutions have been successfully integrated into Howden’s Ventsim Control Ventilation Optimization software, strengthening Maestro’s mine ventilation solutions for customers worldwide.

Ventsim Control can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro’s Vigilante AQS and Zephyr AQS air quality monitoring stations, using MaestroFlex automated regulators, Ventsim Control can be easily configured to manage ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.

Ventsim Control uses real-time data to continuously optimize and redirect airflow for peak efficiency and safety in all activity levels and headings in a mine as production priorities shift. This software communicates with all hardware and instrumentation mine infrastructure.

“Expanding Ventsim Control’s capabilities to incorporate Maestro’s advanced solutions and plug and play ventilation devices is an exciting and logical next step. The integration will now make it easier than ever for mines to enjoy the safety and security of mine-wide atmospheric monitoring, together with advanced and intelligent ventilation automation to improve safety and productivity and reduce costs,” Howden’s Craig Stewart, founder of Ventsim, said in a release.

Together with the mining industry, Maestro developed the Vigilante AQS air quality station that measures environmental conditions in real-time. With the success of the Vigilante AQS, the company then developed the Zephyr AQS, a low-cost air quality monitoring station for underground mines that now completes internally with the gold standard Vigilante AQS air quality station.

To date, there are thousands of Vigilantes AQS, and hundreds of Zephyrs AQS and MaestroFlex automated regulators in underground mines; many of these are using the Plexus PowerNet last mile communication network. The MaestroLink Server software manages the IIoT devices in the field using advanced edge based diagnostic data thereby reducing on-going calibration and maintenance costs.

All of Maestro’s products are fully digital and have significant information in the form of status bits to determine the health of the sensors and the complete systems.

VentSim Control can continue to enhance the customer experience to automate and optimize their mining ventilation to improve mine production, worker safety and significantly reduce a mine’s overall energy consumption.

“Maestro is known for its industrial internet-of-things (IIoT) devices used for ventilation monitoring and controls as well as last mile digital networks for the underground mining sector. These proven solutions installed globally in 35 countries provide safety to the workers, productivity improvements to operators and significant capex and opex savings to the project group,” Michael Gribbons, CEO, president and co-founder of Maestro Digital Mine, said in a release. “Integrating our ventilation solutions into Ventsim Control is one more way we can create a seamless user interface for customers.”

A Maestro Digital Mine manufactures IIoT measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication.

Howden supplies ventilation fans and equipment to major mining companies. Howden’s Total Mine Ventilation Solutions (TMVS) is a fully integrated approach to mine ventilation and air quality control.

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