Maple Gold finds more VG from 531 zone at Douay

Gold-rich veinlets in altered basalts in hole 302 at about 508.5 metres, part of the 1-metre, 21.7-g/t-gold inclusion. Credit: Maple Gold Mines.
Gold-rich veinlets in altered basalts in hole 302 at about 508.5 metres, part of the 1-metre, 21.7-g/t-gold inclusion. Credit: Maple Gold Mines.

Maple Gold Mines (TSXV: MGM; OTC: MGMFL) has found even more high grade, visible gold in drilling at the 531 zone at the Douay gold project, 50 km southwest of Matagami, Que. Douay is a 50:50 joint venture between Maple Gold and Agnico Eagle Mines (TSX: AEM; NYSE: AEM).

The latest results come from an area outside the current 531 zone underground resource estimate:

  • Hole DO-21-298: 6.3 metres of 2.4 g/t gold, including 3 metres of 4.3 g/t;
  • Hole DO-12-299: 9.2 metres of 2.4 g/t gold, including 1.5 metre of 8.8  g/t and 1 metre of 43 g/t;
  • Hole DO-12-300: 1.3 metre of 4.8 g/t gold with visible gold; and
  • Hole DO-21-302: 1.5 metre of 5.9 g/t gold and 1 metre of 21.7 g/t, also with visible gold.

The stepout holes confirm the continuity of structurally controlled, high grade extensions of the 531 zone at depth, and further drilling is planned. The area also has potential to trace the mineralization closer to surface.

The 531 zone was discovered in 1987 by a previous operator and systematically drilled in 1992 and 1993. The zone was not drilled from 2008 to 2019, when Maple drilled a new hole to test down-dip continuity, based on an updated 3-D model of the resources. It is Maple’s opinion that significant gold mineralization begins about 150 metres below surface and is typically associated with sedimentary and exhalative interflow horizons as well as specific fault zone. Recent drilling supports the presence of two sub-orthogonal plunges for mineralization to the southeast and southwest, with a sub-horizontal zone where the plunges intersect.

Additional assays are pending. Visit for updates.

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