Mountain Province to sell coloured 151-ct diamond from Gahcho Kué

This 151-ct yellow diamond will be sold later in September. Credit: Mountain Province Diamonds

Mountain Province Diamonds (TSX: MPVD; OTC: MPVDF) is offering a rough 151.6-carat yellow octahedral diamond of exceptional clarity at its upcoming September sale. More than 90 other diamonds will be offered, including some that are better than 10.8 carats.

The diamonds represent Mountain Province’s 49% interest in the Gahcho Kué mine in the Northwest Territories. The mine is operated and owned 51% by De Beers Canada. Production began in 2016.

“This important diamond represents a clear example of the Gahcho Kué mine’s ability to consistently recover high quality gems of exceptionally large size,” said Mountain province VP diamond mining Reid Mackie. “These gems are highly coveted by collectors around the globe not only for their beauty but increasingly, for their Canadian origin.”

The diamonds on offer may be viewed at Bonas Group’s offices in Antwerp, Belgium from Sept. 5 through 16. Interested buyers are advised to contact Bonas-Couzyn on +32 (0)3 233 70 80 to arrange an appointment.

Images of some other extraordinary, coloured diamonds from the Gahcho Kué mine can be seen at

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