Wesdome defines up-plunge extension of Falcon 7 zone, discovers new lens at Eagle River

Underground at the Eagle River gold mine near Wawa, Ont. Credit: Wesdome Gold Mines

Wesdome Gold Mines (TSC: WDO) says it has confirmed high gold grades and as it drills volcanic rocks near the Eagle gold mine 50 km west of Wawa, Ont. The find is notable because gold at the Eagle River mine is usually hosted in diorite rocks.

Surface and underground drilling (from the 355-metre level exploration drift) defined the up-plunge of the Falcon 7 zone to within 50 metres of surface, intersecting strongly altered and mineralized quartz veins with visible gold.

Falcon 7 zone core assayed 11.1 g/t gold over 2.6 metres; 22.8 g/t gold over 1.6 metres; and 20.3 g/t gold over 1.5 metres (all true widths). All assays were capped at 125 grams per tonne.

A number of drill holes have intersected the hanging wall of the Falcon 7 zone, including one that returned 40.3 g/t gold over 1.5 metres. This points toward the potential for parallel or folded limbs of the zone.

Drilling completed in the central portion of the Eagle River mine diorite to test for the extension of the North Contact zone defined a new lens of gold mineralization, which is interpreted to be east of and along strike from the Mine 7 zone structure. One hole returned 27 g/t gold over 4.6 metres. Drilling here will continue from underground platforms.

Wesdome president and CEO Duncan Middlemiss said the results from the Falcon 7 zone may indicate a new mining zone. The new mineralized lens in the diorite is accessible from existing underground infrastructure.

Initial surface drilling within the volcanic rocks 150 metres east and down-dip of the previously mined 2 zone intersected altered volcanic rocks with quartz veining and visible gold. One hole returned 233.0 g/t gold over 0.4 metre.

The Eagle River mine in on track to produce 95,000 to 105,000 oz. of gold this year from material with a head grade of 12.1 to 13.4 g/t gold.

Please visit www.Wesdome.com for additional information.

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