Fortune Bay announces agreement with Ya’ Thi Néné lands ands resources, Athabasca first nations and communities

The hunt is on for more uranium potential at the Strike and Murmac projects in northern Saskatchewan. Credit: Fortune Bay

Fortune Bay (TSXV: FOR) has announced the conclusion of an exploration agreement that formalizes the company’s relationship with Ya’ thi Néné Lands and Resources (YNLR), Hatchet Lake Denesułiné First Nation, Black Lake Denesułiné First Nation, Fond du Lac Denesułiné First Nation and the Northern Hamlet of Stony Rapids, the Northern settlement of Uranium City, the Northern Settlement of Wollaston Lake and the Northern settlement of Camsell Portage (the Athabasca municipalities, and together with the Athabasca First Nations, the Basin communities).

The agreement concerns Fortune Bay’s exploration and evaluation activities within the traditional territories of the Athabasca First Nations and in proximity to the Athabasca municipalities (the Nuhenéné). 

Fortune Bay is exploring for both gold (Goldfields) and uranium (Strike and Murmac) in northern Saskatchewan. 

The aim of the treaty is to establish a what the company calls a “progressive basis” for Fortune Bay, YNLR and the Basin communities to work together to ensure that the activities are conducted in a sustainable manner and with respect for the Aboriginal and treaty rights, title and interests of the Athabasca First Nations and protection for traditional lands. The agreement provides a framework for information-sharing and environmental protection and monitoring, establishes permitting review processes and is said to facilitate the Basin communities’ participation in the activities by providing economic, employment and training opportunities and benefits to support community development initiatives and confirm the Basin communities’ consent and support for the mining activities, subject to Fortune Bay’s performance of its obligations under the agreement.

Dale Verran, CEO for Fortune Bay, commented, “Fortune Bay is committed to responsible stewardship of the environment, and building meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with project communities.”

Vareen said, through the agreement, the company looks forward to building upon the relationships with the communities and local businesses as they advance their gold and uranium projects in the Uranium City area.

Christopher Toutsaint, YNLR Board of Director for Fond du Lac Denesułiné First Nation, stated, “We welcome the partnership with Fortune Bay … Our goal at YNLR, as protectors of the land and promoters of the people of Nuhenéné, is to ensure our communities meaningfully participate and benefit from projects happening on our lands. That is our intent and the commitment being made today with a partner that acknowledges and respects our rights.”

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