Mining people: Anglo American, Valhalla Metals, Plamina, Vital Battery Metals

Mine safety monitoring. Stock photo


Anglo American named Matt Daley as group director after the retirement of former technical director Tony O’Neill.

Buffalo Coal named Somdeb Banerjee as CEO, replacing Emma Oosthuizen, who is now CFO.

Forum Energy Metals announced Rebecca Hunter as VP exploration.

Kooteny Silver appointed Dale Brittliffe as VP exploration. 

Palamina has appointed Michael Farrant as CFO.

Sun Summit Minerals named Ken Macdonald as VP exploration.

Teck Resources appointed Crystal Prystai as senior VP and CFO.Valhalla Metals named Mihai Draguleasa as CFO and corporate secretary and Bonnie Broman as VP exploration.


Awalé Resources named Robin Birchall as independent non-executive chair.

Andean Precious Metal announced Yohann Bouchard to its board.

Palamina appointed Peter Bojtos as director of the company.

Tuktu Resources announced the death of long-time board member and shareholder Gordon Dixon

Traction Uranium’s Blair Way has stepped down as chair and a director.Vital Battery Metals named Paul Chung as a new director.

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