Sulzer’s AHLSTAR A pumps now come with closed impeller

Sulzer has introduced a closed impeller to the AHLSTAR A single-stage pump range. Credit: Sulzer

Sulzer introduces a closed impeller to the AHLSTAR A single-stage pump range. The novelty offers enhanced performance and improved efficiency.

AHLSTAR is a comprehensive series of end-suction single-stage centrifugal pumps designed to work with all types of liquids in demanding industrial applications. The versatile A-range builds on AHLSTAR’s well-established legacy and is now completed with yet another impeller option.

AHLSTAR A process pumps are available with six different impellers, each designed for specific industrial applications. Closed impellers are commonly used in water processes due to their high efficiency and good runnability. Also, a closed impeller offers a reliable option when processing flammable or toxic liquids, for instance in the chemical process industry. 

The closed impeller is an addition to AHLSTAR A end-suction single-stage pumps and can use the same mechanical seals and bearing units as other pumps in the series. Due to the modular construction, the need for spare parts is minimized. The pumps are available in various sizes and materials, the most common ones being ductile iron, duplex stainless steel, and super duplex.

More information about the AHLSTAR A pump series can be found on AHLSTAR A process pump range | Sulzer

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