Metso Outotec to deliver key concentrator equipment to OZ

Metso Outotec TankCell e630. Metso Outotec photo.

Metso Outotec has been awarded an order for the supply of key minerals processing technologies to the OZ Minerals copper-nickel West Musgrave project in western Australia. 

The order value, which is not disclosed, is booked to Metso’s fourth-quarter 2022 orders received.

Metso Outotec’s scope of delivery includes an MP1250 cone crusher, as well as Planet Positive classified flotation units and high-rate thickeners. The TankCell e630 flotation units are large-scale cells in the 600 m3 and larger category and are the largest installed cells in the world.

Metso Outotec’s high-rate thickeners were selected for their state-of-the-art technology and based on references from similar process plants. Laboratory test work was conducted by Metso Outotec to aid thickener selection.

“OZ Minerals has selected leading class Planet Positive process equipment for their nickel and copper production process, and they will also be able to benefit from our extensive aftermarket capabilities and footprint in western Australia,” says Kai Rönnberg, VP minerals sales – Asia Pacific at Metso Outotec.

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