Chilean mine group warns pending glacier bill could shut down deposits

Torres del Paine National Park, Chile (Stock Image)

Chile’s world-leading copper industry could see some of its mines put out of business if an early stage bill to protect glaciers continues its march through Congress, Chilean mining trade group Sonami said on Monday.

Diego Hernández, president of Sonami, which represents mining firms including BHP, Anglo-American and Antofagasta, asked lawmakers to closely review the science on glaciers before finalizing the bill.

“We consider [the bill] contrary to the interests of our country,” Hernández said in a statement. He warned of “increasing concern” among miners over the bill.

Environmental groups say existing legislation does not adequately safeguard Chile’s glaciers

Chile, the world’s No. 1 copper producer and the No. 2 producer of battery metal lithium, depends on mine exports for as much as 15% of its gross domestic product. Many of its largest mines are found high in the Andes Mountains, a range rich in glaciers.

The bill under consideration, which has yet to emerge from committee, prohibits mining and other activity in areas classified as glaciers, their surroundings and permafrost.

The crux of the current debate lies in defining what kinds of glaciers to protect, and how much of the land surrounding them should be safeguarded to ensure their survival.

Companies and mine workers argue the current bill is too general in the types of frozen soils it protects, putting at risk mines they say are not causing damage to glaciers.

Environmental groups, however, say existing legislation does not adequately safeguard Chile’s glaciers, and warn of the potential impact on the country’s water supply as the impacts of climate change become more severe.

Sonami’s Hernandez said miners were particularly concerned the retroactive nature of the current bill could threaten now active mines and obligate Chile to compensate investors.

Continental Chile’s glaciers span from its arid high Andes Mountains in the north to the vast southern ice fields of the southernmost stretches of Patagonia.

(Reporting by Fabian Cambero; Writing by Dave Sherwood; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)

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