Fiore hits oxide gold outside resources at Gold Rock in Nevada

A haul truck placing ore on the leach pad at Fiore Gold’s Pan gold mine in Nevada. Credit: Fiore Gold
Haul truck at Pan Credit: Fiore Gold

U.S.-focused gold producer Fiore Gold has released 62 drillhole assays from its Gold Rock development project in Nevada, where a feasibility study is underway. The latest results suggest thick intervals of oxide gold within and outside of the resource pit shells.

The drill highlights include 48.8 metres of 2.17 g/t gold from 166.1 metres; 32 metres of 1.41 g/t gold starting at 108.2 metres; and 41.2 metres of 0.97 g/t gold from 149.4 metres.

“These holes represent the first of the RC (reverse circulation) holes from the 2020 drilling program at Gold Rock, with the results continuing to show strong, consistent mineralization and excellent opportunities to expand the current resource envelope going into the feasibility study (FS),” Tim Warman, Fiore Gold’s CEO, said in a release.

The 48.8-metre intercept above appears to be one of the best intercepts from Gold Rock to date and hit mineralization just below the base of the pit shell defined in the company’s preliminary economic assessment (PEA) from earlier this year.

Drilling between the PEA shells also hit mineralization, returning 10.7 metres of 0.73 g/t gold and has identified potential to connect the two separate pit shells.

Several holes completed around a historic heap leach pad hit gold east and below the PEA pit shells. The most recent drilling also suggests residual gold mineralization in the lead pad material, returning 15.2 metres of 0.32 g/t gold.

The Gold Rock holding is contiguous to the company’s operating Pan mine.

In April, Fiore announced the results of a PEA, which outlined an open pit operation sharing infrastructure and management with Pan.

As a 9,070-tonne-per-day heap leach operation, Gold Rock could generate an additional 55,800 oz. gold annually for the company over a 6.5-year mine life, at all-in sustaining costs (AISCs) of US$1,008 per ounce. With a pre-production capital estimate of US$64.6 million, the after-tax net present value estimate for the incremental development comes in at US$32.8 million, at a 5% discount rate and based on US$1,400 per oz. gold, with a 17.8% internal rate of return.

Fiore is working to complete a feasibility study for Gold Rock by the second half of 2021.

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