Kootenay Silver to rehabilitate historic project in Mexico

Veins outcrop on the surface (yellow dashed lines) at the former Columba silver mine. Credit: Kootenay Silver.
Veins outcrop on the surface (yellow dashed lines) at the former Columba silver mine. Credit: Kootenay Silver.

Kootenay Silver (TSXV: KTN) has signed a contract with Tlasa Obras Mineras to rehabilitate the historic underground workings on the F vein at the Columba silver project in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Clearing and timbering an adit is already underway in order to reach the main shaft and a secondary inclined shaft so that dewatering can begin. Once access to the F vein is secured, detailed mapping and sampling will begin so that accurate modelling and resource work can begin.

Kootenay says there is no historic data available on the F vein and no way of knowing the condition of the workings or whether there were any collapses. The work is expected to take about four months.

Other veins at Columba are being drilled as part of a 5,000-metre program. Results from the F vein system have already been released and are available at www.KootenaySilver.com.

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