Nine Mile Metals initiates Nine Mile Brook VMS project bulk sampling

A worker on the site of Nine Mile Metal’s Brook VMS Lens project. Credit: Nine Mile Metal

Nine Mile Metals (CSE: NINE) has announced it has received a full grant for its bulk sample metallurgical analysis being conducted by RPC Science & Engineering (RPC), Fredericton, N.B. This grant was provided by The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program. The objectives of this analytical program, according to the company, are to improve and define the recovery opportunities for the VMS mineralization of the upcoming 2,000 to 3,000-tonne bulk sample at the Nine Mile Brook VMS lens project.

Phase 1 of the program will focus on two elements: mineralogy and liberation size by classifying grain sizes. Nine Mile Metals has already shipped NQ core samples from previously drilled in the phase 1 at Nine Mile Brook in May 2022. These one quarter core samples are representative of the four holes drilled into the high-grade VMS lens and total approximately 100 kg.

Each section will be examined and analyzed at the University of New Brunswick’s SEM laboratory microscopy and microanalysis facility in Fredericton to determine predictive mineralogy including micron size (liberation estimate), mineral identification of each metal (sulphides, non-sulphides, gangue minerals) and copper-lead-zinc-silver-gold occurrence (attached, liberated, included, interstitial etc.). Once the analysis is completed and the characteristics of this incredibly high-grade ore have been established, optimum recovery methods will be recommended including: direct shipping, ore sorting, smelter or environmentally friendly bioleaching.

Patrick J. Cruickshank, MBA, CEO & director stated, “ Having the highest-grade mineralogy in the BMC is exceptional, but determining the commercial process to match that ore is challenging, but a welcome challenge. This analysis is critical for our project moving forward and we look forward to updating additional news in the coming weeks.”

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