Metso Outotec to modernize Norilsk Nickel’s smelting line in Russia

Metso Outotec smelting furnaces Credit: Metso Outotec

Metso Outotec has been awarded a landmark contract by Norilsk Nickel to modernize one of the company’s two existing smelting lines at their Nadezhda metallurgical plant in Norilsk, Russia. The contract value is approximately 90 million euros, and the order has been booked in Metso Outotec’s fourth quarter 2020 order intake.

Metso Outotec’s contract includes engineering and delivery of a nickel flash smelting furnace and a heat recovery boiler with related automation and advanced digital products. Replacing the existing smelting line with the latest process technology and furnace structures is expected to significantly increase the line’s capacity and availability, reduce metal losses and ease maintenance. The new line will also allow for the easy connection and efficient operation with potential future sulfuric acid production and neutralization projects. The delivery of the equipment will take place during the first half of 2022.

“Metso Outotec is a long-term partner of Norilsk Nickel, supplying state-of-the-art equipment and technologies. Our cooperation allows us to solve the most important production and technological issues, such as increasing the reliability and efficiency of production,” Sergey Dubovitsky, senior VP, strategy, strategic projects, logistics and procurement at Norilsk Nickel, said in a release.

“Norilsk Nickel operates the world’s largest nickel and palladium deposit in Russia. We are very committed to our long partnership with Norilsk Nickel, and we are pleased to have been awarded the contract to modernize their smelting line at Nadezhda. Our unique process expertise and sustainable technologies enable the design and delivery of a world-class smelting process that meets today’s and future production requirements,” added Jari Algars, president of Metso Outotec’s Metals business area.

Metso Outotec is a leading supplier of smelting technology, with about 40 operational smelting lines around the world. The company’s Flash Smelting Process is the cleanest smelting method available, giving high recovery of metals with low investment and operating costs.

Moscow-headquartered Norilsk Nickel holds the mining complex in the Norilsk-Talnakh area of northern Russia.

More information on Metso Outotec’s smelting technologies, click here.  

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